lots of small fruit, minimal brown rot, consistent size/shape/color
O’Henry mutation. Orig. 1987, Hideo P. Yamashiro, Parlier, CA, and Burchell Nursery, Modesto, CA. Not tested. Similar to O’Henry but earlier. Major variety in California. Attractive; extensive bright red blush with good quality and high yield. Flesh: yellow; Gland: reniform; Bloom: showy; Shape: round; Firmness: high; Ripens: +5. Patented (PP#5865) California variety. Oblate with some red in the flesh. Very firm. Ripens the 1st week of August with Fay Elberta. Firm and red. May have problems sizing in the Southeast. Highly susceptible to bacterial spot. The present invention relates to a new and distinct variety of peach tree to be known as the "Summer Lady", and more particularly to such a peach tree which is broadly characterized by its similarity to the O'Henry variety of peach tree (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 2,964). The new variety is a single scaffold mutation of the O'Henry peach tree from which it is distinguished and characterized as to novelty by bearing fruit which ripens approximately one week to ten days earlier, which is more nearly globose than that of the O'Henry and which displays less green fruit ground color and a more uniform and brighter overall red skin coloration than the O'Henry at maturity. ORIGIN The mutated scaffold was discovered by Hideo P. Yamashiro while propping limbs before harvest of O'Henry peach trees. The new mutation was first observed in July of 1982 in a commercial orchard of O'Henry peach trees located at 17281 East Adams Avenue, Parlier, in Fresno County, Calif. The above orchard of O'Henry peach trees is currently eight years of age and is owned and was owned at the time of the discovery by Hideo P. Yamashiro.
Evaluations are based on a 1-8 scale (6=OK,7=Commercially acceptable, 8=Excellent)
Size is in inches
Shape: round is assumed, T=tip, P=point, S=suture, OB=oblate, OV=ovate
Pubescence: 10=nectarine
Blush: presented as percentage of ground color cover with red or similar
Freeness: 3=early cling, 8=completely free
Status: 0=discard, 1=keep
Notes: SOS=soft on suture, SOT=soft on tip, RIF=red in flesh, GAS=green around stem
RAP=red around pit, GGC=green ground color, sz=size, wh=white, yt=young tree, CCT=concave tip
Bloom date is when approx. 90% of blooms are open (full bloom)
The description of each variety of peach or nectarine fruit under each group is in different formats as this information is collected from varied sources and hence is not consistent