Not good-looking peach, with uneven halves, small tips, and irregular blush. Split pits and some red pigment in the flesh, ok taste (SSC/TA 12.59)
Reliance was released in 1964 from the New Hampshire Agricultural Experiment Station at Durham. It is a semiclingstone, yellow-fleshed cultivar that ripens 21 days before Elberta. It has resistance to bacterial spot but in the south has poor coloration with a green ground color. It is extremely cold hardy and has a chill requirement of 1050 hours. It is grown primarily by homeowners in areas where other peach varieties would not crop due to freeze injury. It is named for its unsurpassed cold hardiness and ability to fruit in cold areas.
Evaluations are based on a 1-8 scale (6=OK,7=Commercially acceptable, 8=Excellent)
Size is in inches
Shape: round is assumed, T=tip, P=point, S=suture, OB=oblate, OV=ovate
Pubescence: 10=nectarine
Blush: presented as percentage of ground color cover with red or similar
Freeness: 3=early cling, 8=completely free
Status: 0=discard, 1=keep
Notes: SOS=soft on suture, SOT=soft on tip, RIF=red in flesh, GAS=green around stem
RAP=red around pit, GGC=green ground color, sz=size, wh=white, yt=young tree, CCT=concave tip
Bloom date is when approx. 90% of blooms are open (full bloom)
The description of each variety of peach or nectarine fruit under each group is in different formats as this information is collected from varied sources and hence is not consistent